The Summer School Age program has started at KOHK. Stop back often to see the many new activities that children are participating in this summer!
The Summer School Age program has started at KOHK. Stop back often to see the many new activities that children are participating in this summer!
Download: TLC April - May 2016 Calendar
When I was in Honduras at the beginning of February, I saw a great example of why a good foundation is important. We were on the way to La Paz, Honduras. I was riding along with Pastor Ed Auger and his wife, Deaconess Cherie, with Tulio Meza who is a member and leader in the…
Someone that I know used to have a car that sounded like the muffler needed to be fixed. When the person would be driving up to church, I could hear them before they ever arrived because of the loud sound of their vehicle. Simply by the sound, I knew who was pulling up to church.…