Pastor’s Corner
About three weeks ago, the head preschool teacher and a preschool student came into the church office. The student had drawn a picture for me and put it on a square piece of cardboard. You can see what the picture looks like above. I asked the student about the picture, and she told me that…
Pastor’s Corner

The above symbol is the logo that The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has chosen to use as it celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year. The date of October 31, 1517 is acknowledged by many to be the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. That’s the day when Martin Luther posted the Ninety-five theses against…
“Cling to Jesus”
Some of you know that I’ve been working to paint our house. That project has been about 4 years in the making. Between all of the work to get things cleaned up and ready to paint and the application of the paint to the different surfaces, a painting project like this sure is a lot…